How Important are Blog Post Tags for SEO Today?


Blog post tags can or cannot improve search engine rankings, but while they might not be directly an influence, they can improve SEO score through a series of compliments to your sites niche and topics.

Let’s dive in a little more, most search engines do not rank categories and tag pages highly in the SERPs today, high-quality tagging makes it easier for Google to see what your overall theme/niche of your website is all about.

For example, if you run a Mommy blog that often focuses on children’s cloths, and you have a tag page for children’s cloths that links throughout your site to different pages and has various posts linking back to a main page, it is a strong signal to Google that children’s cloths is the main topic of your site.

Website tags can provide a source of traffic through explanation, they also improve user experience when the user finds what they are looking for and stay’s on that particular page. While tag and category posts/pages aren’t necessarily ranked higher, ranked they are! Meaning they are a viable indicators for your traffic source.

Using tags properly in pages/posts make it easier for visitors, and Google to find what they’re looking for on your site. Blog post tags are effective as they lower your bounce rate, and increase user experience.

For other SEO Tips on your websites ranking go to Industry Army Marketing.

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